
Rules & Regulations

b) CATEGORIES OF MEMBERSHIP Any tour operator who has a licence of operation from the Directorate of Tourist Services, Ministry of Tourism, Government of Pakistan can be a member of the association; however the other qualities will be the following,

  • Has a reputable character and is of sound mind
  • Agrees with and supports the aims & objectives of the Association
  • Agrees to abide by the rules & regulations, constitution and bye laws of the Association
  • Agrees to pay the prescribed fees of the Association
  • Has not convicted by any court of law for moral defense
b) CATEGORIES OF MEMBERSHIP The membership of the Association is divided into following categories, 1. Regular Member A person who fulfills the conditions laid down under the article IV-A shall become an active member, of the Association on payment of f donations and membership fee i.e. Rs. 5000.00 only. 2. Life Member A person can become a life member of the Association on paying the prescribed fee at the time of application. 3. Co–opted Member / Associate Member A person, who assists the Association by’ collecting or presenting donations or advertisement or provide support to the Association in any shape, can be offered for a co­-opted or associate membership. No fee is required for this category of membership however he has to fulfill the terms & conditions of the Association. 4. Honorary Member A person proved useful for the benefits of the Association can be offered for an honorary membership by the organization of the Association. No fee is required for honorary membership however he has to fulfill the terms & conditions of the Association.

c) PROCEDURE OF MEMBERSHIP 1. For Regular t: Life Membership A person desirous to become a regular or life member can apply Oil the prescribed form for membership. The Association reserves the right to reject any application, finding substantial proofs that applicant do not fulfill the terms & conditions of the Association. If the applicant does not receive from the Association any intimation about turning down his application within 30 days of submission of application that means the application has been approved for the membership. 2. For Co-opted / Associate Membership Co-opted / Associate members will be nominated and selected by the executive committee of the Association or by the Chairman, 3. For Honorary Membership The executive committee of the Association can recommend a person for honorary membership or Chairman can approvea person for this category. d) PROCEDURE OF REJECTION The Association reserves the right to reject any application for membership without assigning any reason to the applicant. However, the applicant May request for revision the decision within 60 days from the day of decision. May appeal to the Chairman after rejecting the application twice from the organization of the Association! The decisions of the Chairman will be final. c)RIGHTS & PREVILEGES OF MEMMERS 1. All the regular members can cast a vote in the general body elections of the Association. 2. All the regular members can participate in general body election as a candidate for seat / post 3. All members of the Association have right to participate in general meetings and functions of the Association. 4. All members can give their written suggestion for the matters concerning the Association affairs 5. A member with account dues can’t participate in elections or in voting

f) PROCEDURE OF SUSPENSION AND CANCELLATION A membership can be suspended or cancelled on following grounds. 1.Non Payment of Subscription A membership can be suspended or cancelled on non-payment of dues or arrears of subscription or other accounts. I however the finance secretary will issue a notice to all the members in arrears, after 15 days from the date of expiry. This notice will allow the member to clear his dues within 30 days from the issue date of the notice. After the expiry of first notice and not depositing the arrears, the last and final notice will be issued, allowing another 15 days to pay the dues. In case of failure of deposit of dues, the membership will be cancelled. 2.Absence From Association’s Meetings A member who fails to attend four consecutive meetings of the Association, without prior intimation and without justification of his act, will cease to be a member of the general body or executive board, as the case may be. 3.Conduct / Behavior Being proved the conduct of a person to be prejudicial to the interest of the Association or is calculated to bring the Association into disrepute, he shall be given a notice of 7 days to clear his position. finding unsatisfactory reply, he may either administer a warning or may be asked 10 resign from his membership. failure 10 accepting both options, the organization may decide the cancellation of the membership. g) PROCEDURE OF RESIGNATION A member may, of his own accord, terminate his membership by sending his resignation, after clearing all the dues outstanding against him. h) PROCEDURE OF REINSTATEMENT / RESTORATION A person can apply for the re-instatement / restoration of his suspended / cancelled membership. The application may be considered for reinstatement /Restoration with the final decision of the Chairman.